You can see more Wordless Wednesday Participants at the Wordless Wednesday Homebase or with the lovely ladies at 5 Minutes for Mom

If you haven’t yet, would you head over to Holly’s and vote for your favorite name for her new niece. My suggestion is Olivia, so you know… if you’re so inclined, vote for that.
You’re looking beautiful today, have you lost weight? A new hairstyle? Whatever it is, it’s working for you.


  1. LOL Oh my! Monkey is gonna love you for that picture when he gets older. I think that one would be good for an 18th birthday or graduation announcement ;o)

    Happy Birthday Monkey!!

  2. Hey Rachel! Is that the butt that needs this potty training video you won? Email me your address and stuff.

    By the way – for whatever reason, your site keeps crashing my Firefox browser. It loads (eventually) in IE, but kills FF. Just wanted to let you know.

Talk to me!

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