1. OOh. He’s a cutey moving in on the princess! I think you guys had a great time at the aquarium!

  2. AnglophileFF We had so much fun! He is princess’ best friend’s older brother. He’s such a cutie, I believe it is totally mutual and it’s adorable!!

  3. Wow, really great pics! I can’t imagine what must have ben going through his mind. I would be awestruck!

  4. WOW those are great pictures. I love my Cannon! I’m glad I got it! I’m having a blast learning what all the buttons are for!

  5. I think the first shot is the best — love the silhouetting! Makes me want to take a trip to an aquarium!

  6. Michelle: Thank you. I love the silhouettes, too. I think they’re so striking. But I love Monkey’s gestures and profile in the other πŸ™‚ I love them all. Thanks for stopping in.

  7. Wonderful photos by the aquarium. There’s a newly open Ocean Park in the Philippines and I can’t wait to go there with my family.

    First crush … so cute. Thanks for visiting.

  8. Your blog is adorable! I loved all of these photos!! I especially liked the one of the little boy next to the dolphin! It’s so cute!!

  9. @napwarden LOL. No ma’am.
    Miss Toots was actually right next to princess and their other brother was on the other side of B-man, I just cropped everyone else out πŸ™‚ LOL.

    Amy, Yep.. she can take care of herself just fine πŸ™‚

  10. Oh, a crush – how adorable is that!!! Those are wondeful pictures! I bet we’ve been to *that* acquarium! Looks like fun!

    Have a good WW – see ya – Kellan

  11. OMGoodness..great pics! adorable of princess and her crush. what a great looking little red headed boy πŸ˜‰ and the pictures turned out great just the way you said they would!

    (please dont let N oil up his shotguns..hes a good boy i swear it!)


  12. Serendipity*mommy

    We’d never shoot B-man, he’s too cute! Thanks honey.
    Ladies and gents: Meet Miss Toots’ and B-man’s momma πŸ™‚

  13. Those aquarium photos are really cool, with the kids in silhouette in front of the glass. And that “crush” photo-awwww!

  14. Those aquarium shots are gorgeous, my friend!

    Hey, you guessed correctly Erin Brockovich correctly. Thanks for playing!

  15. Oh wow…a trip to the aquarium is exactly what my girls need. I’m so excited to take them!!!!

    Great pics!

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