1. Thanks!
    He went down about 30 minutes after getting home from a 4 day visit to my mom’s. There are no sheets on the bed, he’s lying on his sister’s blanket. It took literally 1 minute for him to zonk out. I went in to check and I saw those feet. Too cute!!

  2. Eric and Sophie still sleep like that…feet hanging over the edge(big beds) but both of them did the same thing!!! cute pic. =0)

  3. awwwwwwww what a darling capture! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog today! I’ll just blogroll you….and stalk you for awhile, until you remember. It will be fun. tee hee

  4. That is a GREAT wordless Wednesday. I love when I’m left to try to figure out the story of what might have happened before the picture was taken.

  5. Oh, I do love sleeping baby photos. There is nothing cuter than feet tucked under bums (or, sticking out of cribs).

    Thanks for stopping by my place, and the lovely comments.

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