1. Those are beautiful! I had the 4-D sono with my last one. I love comparing those with his newborn photos . . . “Yep! Looks just like him!”

  2. They are so cool aren’t they! So much neater than 4 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter!!!
    Thanks so much!

  3. What a great pic of your little girl listening to your belly. Love it!!! And that smile on him is precious!

  4. As a father of three, I can tell you there is no greater gift than the gift of life.

    (Came here from Bradley’s The Egel Nest)

  5. Aw, you look so beautiful pregnant! And the 3 and 4 D USs are SO cool, huh? I had the chance to get some with my second, it was very neat. And ah, to look back on pictures like that when they are now in your arms! So sweet. :”)

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