The Botanical Gardens, her own personal Wonderland.

A place where she can frolic among butterflies

butterfly garden

where  flowers don’t always look like flowers

flower or bug

where beauty is not defined by magazines, but by what catches your eye and pauses your heart


and you never know what will be around the next corner

alice in wonderland


  1. What great pics! 😀 Love the interesting flower!
    .-= Sherry´s most recent blog ..It is hot here, so we’re thinking about cooling off with ICE CREAM! =-.

  2. I’m a botanical garden loving lady, myself. That’s a way cool chrysalis.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..A first look at Chihuly at Cheekwood =-.

    1. Thank you, sweetie. I love it. she was SO enthralled with it. I think she might have spent 20 minutes looking and studying it. I love my kids!

    1. Awe, thank you! Aimee!
      It’s called a Passion Flower, aren’t they crazy beautiful!!!!

      HELLO so envious you’ve been to IRELAND!

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