More Wordless Wednesday participants can be found at 5Minutes for Mom

Don’t forget, all of October’s Ad Revenue is going towards Breast Cancer Research because Racks Rock. So come back and click click!




  1. This is the second wordless Wednesday I’ve seen today with a kid in some sort of cage! You guys are brilliant! I need one of those.

  2. This is a really nice picture. I have always wanted to take a picture of any of my sons like this. Now, I just have to find a gate…

  3. Awww, makes you wonder what he’s looking at or thinking about. Wistful is the perfect word.

    BTW–a good friend of mind leaned yesterday she’s facing a breast cancer reoccurance. Thanks for what you’re doing.

  4. Very cute!! It looks just a little bit like he’s an inmate, but a very sweet one.

    (I’m kidding!)

  5. Oh my, that is funny. With all of the mischief he gets himself into, you need that fence! I could use one for my little guy actually.

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