I know that I always post my recipes on Monday but, I have just gotten home from the Mom 2.0 Summit and I was so inspired there by all of the women that were there.
Powerful, Strong, Intelligent, Amazing, Talented, Beautiful, Soulful, Passionate Women.

This Monday, I am postponing my recipe and linky and sharing this instead.

This video by the sublimely talented Katherine Center is powerful and moving.
I am asking each of you to take 3 minutes out of your day and watch this video, listen to it, truly hear what she says and let the images sink in and touch your heart the very way that they did to all of us at Foto-Fest. This video inspired us and moved many to tears.

Friday night we had the distinct honor and pleasure of attending the VERY special and AMAZING Mom 2.0 Foto-Fest Gallery. It was powerful beyond words. At the gallery, Katherine asked us: “What do you do that Matters?” and then she painted that answer on the attendees, the line for that honor; lasted the whole time and was out the door.

mom 2.0 foto fest


mom 2.0 passion

I don’t know who this is.  I wish that I did, it’s so beautiful.

mom 2.0 no fear


mom 2.0 me

I’m asking you, what Katherine asked us: What Do You Do That Matters?


  1. Beautiful, Rachel. And so great to see you again. I would say being present in the moment is what matters to me so much these days. I was so glad that I was able to do that at Mom 2.0 amidst all of you talented and amazing women, and then also when I got home. I just ignored the pile up of work and things and was present in being with my family all day. Such a gift.
    .-= Boston Mamas´s last blog ..Fancy Yet Easy Mini Crab Cakes =-.

  2. Oh, how amazing.
    Sometimes I don’t know what I do that matters. Sometimes I feel like nothing I do matters. And then sometimes I hear my children laugh and I know that sometimes everything may look a lot like nothing, but it’s miles away from nothing.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Weekly Winners, February 21, 2010 =-.

  3. Wow!! I guess what I want for my children is what I want for myself…to have passion, to feel valid, to dream big, to work hard, to honor God, and to have joy. I am sure there are other things, but I am only one latte into the day. My children are getting older, my youngest is five….I’m getting a little out of the swampy-ness of motherhood…but sometimes even still it is hard to find the successes….its good to be reminded that the little things count and the feelings in your heart do count too. And, that in little ways, every day, we mothers pass it on. ~Chris Ann
    .-= LoveFeast Table´s last blog ..Fancy Friday Hollywood Style =-.

  4. It’s only after attending this conference that I feel confident enough to really claim the things I personally am responsible for, that really matter. It’s that kind of inspiration that is the biggest takeaway of all. So wonderful meeting you!

    1. I don’t think any conference organizer could ask for more, (i did not organize.. just stating an opinion) 🙂

      I left feel very energized and inspired and powerful.

      LOVELY meeting you, too.

  5. It was so fabulous meeting you Rachel – you just exude warmth and wonderful energy. It’s not coincidental that we all walked away taking about inspiration. Wow, what a weekend.

    1. AWWWW Giant HUG! I’m so glad twitter finally consented and let me follow you, LOL.

      You are a doll and you really draw people to you. I love that we all left so inspired and re-energized.

  6. I so want to go to that next year. Sounds like an awesome experience.

    the one thing I do that I think is important is capturing the moments with my camera and bringing those images to life. I always love still photography rather than home movies because looking at a certain photo evokes the emotion from that day or a reflection and they say so much more than any movie could say.

    .-= Domestic Extraordinaire´s last blog ..Helping her catpure her bliss =-.

    1. Exactly. That’s one of my favorite takeaways; “If it matters to you, it matters” I want my children to understand that in the best way possible.

  7. Love this post Rachie!! I don’t always think what I do is important. I think the most important things that I do has nothing to do with my actual “job”. The most important things are being a good mother to my children and to give my husband he needs (as well as support his current career choice as a soldier )
    .-= Tammy Munson´s last blog ..We get what we give =-.

    1. She has amazing handwriting and the fact that she does it with a paintbrush and paint… even better. She’s a superb lady and this is just the tip of the iceburg.

  8. I’ve watched the beautiful video a handful of times, and I see different details in the photos each time. Every time, though, I hear one thing really clearly: “You are writing the story of your only life.” I love that, even though there’s a sharp edge to the blessing that that is.

    One thing that I do that I think matters is read to my kids. It gets us close together and it takes them into the world beyond our house and community circle.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Project 365: Week 7 =-.

    1. I love reading to my kids, it’s one of our favorite past-times and my favorite part of our bed time routine.
      It’s precious, precious time. xo

  9. Thanks for posting this, Kindred spirit. Such a great reminder that our lives, while repetitive and seemingly insignificant at times, is NOT a dress rehearsal…

  10. When it comes to my impact as a mom there are 2 things that come to my mind. 1. Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk where he says my kids will retire from their professional careers in the year 2065… I can’t even wrap my mind around what the world will be like in 2065… I am teaching them how to be in that world… today. 2. That old story about what do you want your gravestone to say… “Wow, I wish I had worked more… or blogged more… or whatever more…” That always helps me remember that guiding my kids to make loving, thoughtful, compassionate choices is just about the most important thing I can spend my time doing. Thanx for the post… I am looking forward to getting home this evening and telling my kiddos one more time how awesome I think they are and that I love them all the way to the moon and back.

    1. YES YES YES! (Maggie was so right! Let’s not tell her, though 😉 wink 😉 )

      My grandfather used to tell my Dad and then me, I can have a clean house, well mowed lawn now, or I can have my children… I choose my children, there are far too many years ahead where they won’t be in my house and I’ll miss the mess, the noise, the laughter and the legos under-foot.

      HUGS to you

  11. Funny …. I just posted and I’m still digesting it all. No doubt that this was a great conference, the vibe was fantastic and getting to hang with you was fab!
    .-= Fiona´s last blog ..What you do Matters ~ What I WANT to do Matters =-.

    1. You are beyond darling! I love your vibe and your enthusiasm! You are such a sweet person and I’m thrilled to know more aobut my twitter friend and have a real face and voice to put to your tweets and blog!

  12. Thank you for posting this and being so welcoming at Mom 2.0 – what a great FIRST Mom 2.0 experience. I walked away so touched and inspired and can’t stop watching and sharing this video so every other woman I know can feel the same. And I love the post about teaching our children NOW how to be in the year 2065. Reminds we of something my good friend always says: we’re not raising children. We’re raising adults.

    1. Of course! I’m so glad that Abby directed us towards each other. I loved talking with you and seeing you around! You’re an absolute doll, thanks for laughing with me 😉 and not at me 😉

      I want every woman and mother I’ve ever known to watch this video… Katherine is so amazing…

  13. That was so stunningly beautiful and breathtaking. I cried. It was a reminder to me, to always take time to cherish these fleeting moments when our babies are still babies. And even more important, to cherish our lives, good and bad, happy and sad. Thank you so much. You are truly my first inspiration in this crazy blogosphere and you continue to amaze me and leave me in awe. I only hope I’ll get to meet you IRL. You are such a huge mentor for me, and this post is why.
    .-= Tricia´s last blog ..My First Top Ten Tuesday! =-.

    1. Girl, you have me all ferklempt, or verklempt… bless you and your wonderful sweet words.
      Thank you.

      I’m so glad that this touched you as it did me and so many others. And Tricia, when we meet, I hope you’re prepared for a Texas size hug.

  14. Thank you so much for posting my video! It’s so fun to see it here, and you’ve placed it in a lovely context. Thanks also for all your kind words. I loved meeting you at Mom 2.0! What a great weekend.

    1. Okay, I’m speechless… and you’ve seen me in action, you know that doesn’t happen.

      Thank you for giving me something to showcase that so perfectly puts it all in perspective and gives me a touchstone for the words that my heart aches so desperately to share.

      You are a blessing. It was an honor meeting and being painted on by you.

  15. I thought about it all Friday as I walked by the photos and looked at the words that other women chose. Ultimately I decided that I make the biggest difference by leading by example. To show my daughters what is possible, to teach them love and independence, compassion, determination, etc.
    .-= elz´s last blog ..Mom 2.0 In Summary-if summary meant longwinded =-.

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