It’s National Taco Day and Taco Tuesday all rolled into one glorious celebration of flavor and joy. This is the day we’ve been waiting for!  Taco lovers unite!

Wendy’s® has brought back their famous Taco Salad in honor of this day, Hooray!!!

wendys taco salad is back

  Thank you Wendy’s® for sponsoring this post


Growing up, I was lucky enough to have my Granny and Granddaddy just down the road.  When I was in kindergarten, it was only half a day, so my Granny would pick me up from school and I’d spend the rest of my day with her.  She made us lunch, we played games, watched movies, read books, and made so many wonderful memories.

As the years went by, my lunches with Granny became more grown up, and more involved.  I was lucky enough to join my Granny and her friends “the ladies who lunch” at bridge parties, their weekly lunches, and more.   One day a week, my Granny and her friends would meet at a different restaurant for lunch; sometimes it was the country club, sometimes it was one of 3 “american” chain restaurants, and frequently, it was Wendy’s® for their chili and baked potato, and the taco salad.  Y’all remember the Wendy’s® taco salad, right?  The one that caused a huge uproar when they removed it from their menu.  Yep, that one.

At that time, my palate wasn’t taco salad ready, so I usually got the chicken nuggets, french fries, and a Frosty (for dipping the fries in, of course).  The ladies, however, loved the taco salad.  The chili, the salsa, the cheese, the sour cream….

wendys taco salad is back

Over the years, and hundreds of these salads, baked potatoes, and cups of chili; I heard stories of first loves, war, watching their loved ones go off to war, come home from war, not come home, women’s rights, things they wish they’d done differently, dreams achieved, and dreams for their children and grandchildren.  So many memories made, and every single one of their stories carved a place in my heart, and acted as life lessons for myself.  As the years went on, my husband occasionally stopped in at a lunch to say Hi to the ladies, and for a short time; Princess (little baby Princess) joined the ladies who lunched crowd.

My Granny, and most of her friends are no longer with us, and I would give anything in the world to share another lunch with them, hear just one more story, get their advice on just one more thing.. but I can’t.

So now, I lunch with my friends, I take my kids to lunch, I have lunch with my kids at school, and we have framily meals.  I’m continuing the legacy of lunches, stories, laughter, and sharing; and now that Wendy’s® has finally brought their Taco Salad back (can I get a hallelujah!) I can take my kids and their friends to Wendy’s.  I can join my friends for lunch, and we can order a Taco Salad and create our own memories.  I can share stories of Granny and Bonnie, and the ladies who lunch with my kids, and while I pour extra salsa over my Taco Salad, they can dip their fries in Frosty’s, and together, we’re carving new memories on our hearts.

my wendys taco salad


Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Wendy’s. All opinions expressed are my own. Sponsored posts help me pay for the costs associated with this blog (like the groceries…so very many groceries,y’all), and help support me as I follow my dreams of recipe development and food photography. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands and companies that support A Southern Fairytale.

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