I’m at the New Orleans airport right now, waiting on a flight home from one of the most wonderful, food filled weekends I’ve had in a long time.   Laura, Stephanie, Kristen, Jim and I were treated to some serious amazingness this weekend.

We were whisked around New Orleans by some truly lovely people from Weber Shandwick and Zatarain’s.  There were multiple tonguegasms and I’m just going to share a few of them with you today.

Enjoy, y’all – and sorry to make y’all jealous 😉










I cannot wait to tell y’all more about this weekend and share the pictures and stories and laughter — right now, I’m on airport wi-fi and my it’s slow as molasses and I think my first flight is fixin’ to board.  Hugs and Kisses and Deliciousness, y’all!

linking with Lotus’ Weekly Winners


    1. Thanks, Laura! We went to August and it was AMAZING. Those shrimp were served at August. A special Zatarain’s recipe just for us – deeevine!

      The strawberry dessert was there, too! We went to Borgne, Domenica, August and Brennan’s and Mother’s for late night po’r boys 😉

    1. 🙂 Hee Hee Hee 😉
      Aimee, if I’d been at home following along, I’d have been jealous, too. My husband quit looking at my Facebook and Instagram because he was so jealous of all the amazing food 😉

  1. I loved reading about your trip. We lived in New Orleans for 5 years and still cook the food. We miss eating there, though. I have a new New Orleans link up going on and would LOVE for you to link this up and any post you do related to New Orleans.Thanks, Susie

    1. Seriously, the laughter. The laughing until we CRY is all kinds of wonderful. My stomach still hurts 😉
      The food, oh my word.. THE FOOD.

      It was unreal

  2. Great pics! Sorry to say I’m not jealous because I live here so I get to partake of everything New Orleans has to offer on a daily basis. Glad you got to visit us and hope you get to come back soon!

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