Cupid Cupcakes

A Blissful Heart*

First Lost Tooth

Butter Makes It Better

Future Food Network Cake Off Contestant

Visit Lotus to be more inspired, to share your own pictures or to just sit in awe of the power and beauty of talent of those who share.

*amazing Bliss Necklace by Lisa Leonard, she graciously  made all 500 attendees and speakers at Blissdom Custom Hand Stamped Necklaces.  This is my new favorite piece of jewelry.


  1. Look at her with an empty space where a tooth should be! Beau-teef-ul.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Project 365: Week 6 =-.

    1. Thank you sweetie 😉 She’s SO excited about it and having a blast sticking her tongue, straws, candy.. etc… through it 😉

      I repeat myself: Meeting you at Blissdom was a joy! You are a beautiful, lovely person.

  2. Our girls are the same age, and we’re still waiting on the first lost tooth. I ask her nearly every day if any teeth are loose. Still nothing.
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..My Girl and Dolphins =-.

    1. Be careful what you wish for! She’ll end up losing 4 at once.

      It’s so huge. That little girl smile is gone forever, it’s one monumental, yet small move towards the woman that she is to become.. ONe more step leaving the little girl that she is behind.


    1. Butter makes everything better. I love Butter. That might be one of my favorite pics ever 😉 hee hee


    1. LOL You’re too cute.

      They’re mini cupcakes, too.. so you know, 1/4 the guilt 😉

      She’s SO proud of her lost tooth! She even wrote a thank you note to the tooth fairy!

      Love her.

      1. i have saved ALL the toothfairy notes…they are precious (and hilarious) someday i will use them for some sort of blackmail. yes i can be evil…part of the payback for putting up with them….right? 🙂
        .-= lisa @thebeadgirl´s last blog ..FREE Hugs! =-.

  3. Yeah, I have worn my LL Bliss Necklace NONE. STOP.

    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {The 365 Round Up} =-.

  4. I remember when J lost her first tooth, it is exciting and a bittersweet, too. Now, G (only 5 years old) keeps hoping that he’ll loose a tooth soon. He’s obsessed with it!

    Love, love, love, love, love all you pics this weeks!
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..Energy & Refuge =-.

  5. I have a thing for cupcakes. Thanks, now I may have to make some – ha ha! I love my Bliss Necklace by Lisa Leonard too!!

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