Let me just get this little sing-songy ditty out of my head

Lotus was at my ho-use… Lotus was in my hou-se! John and Braden were here, tooooooooo nee ner nee ner boo boo
Ok. I’m all better now 😉

I Love The Way He Loves Her

Lotus and John b&w

She’s In Love with The Boy

Lotus and John

Lotus, Nate would like to know where his Koozie is…..

lotus koozie

Real Men Play Guitar

john guitar

I have many, many more pictures and I’m dyin’ to share them with y’all!


I’m currently in a hotel room with painfully slow internet and tomorrow, we’ll be embarking on our unbelievable  SEVEN DAY CRUISE of sheer awesomeness 🙂 and my internet will be very limited 🙂 which is okay 😉

I’ll post as much as I can about the cruise, when I can, in the meantime.. y’all please, please, please check out the Saving Second Base Project and I’ll see y’all on the flipside…


    1. Tara, they are so much fun together.
      They’re so adorable and so in love.. you can see that they GENUINELY love and like each other.
      IT’s so awesome.

  1. I absolutely adore the shots you got of us. Thank you SO much.

    We had such a good time visiting with you guys, Rachel. Miss you all! Braden has asked to go back to Noah’s house every day since we were there.

    Hope you are having a FANTABULOUS time on your cruise!


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