Daddy’s Little Helper

My love bugs

Before: Garage Quality

After: Princess Quality

Weekly Winners is hosted by the fabulous Lotus. Go over there and see people who didn’t forget to drag their camera around every day.


Tomorrow is Monday which means it’s Mouthwatering Monday time!! Post your recipes, grab a button and pop over to sign Mr. Linky and discover new recipes and fun people!

The code for the button can be found by clicking on the button above. If it doesn’t work for you, e-mail me and let me know. I’m not the most technically savvy and can’t seem to figure out how to make it work in WP on a regular basis, the text box that is. If you know. I’m all ears!


  1. Very adorable!
    I love what you did with the dresser, I did the same thing to my lil princesses!!
    Adorable pictures as always-love the one of them together too. I have a few of those-the wont touch or be near eachother these days so it alwasy nice to look back at how sweet they were to one another at one time.

  2. Don’t you just love how a coat of paint can give such a BIG face lift? That dresser looks HAWT.

    Tranny Head’s latest brilianceYou Say TomAYto, I Say Tomahto …. Another Post in which I Laugh at Granilla

  3. I love that picture of the two of them!

    I see you are going to Blissdom- that hotel is 30 minutes from my house. I wish I could go but can’t justify the cost right now. If you need any Nashville tips, let me know.

    Chelsea/PB&J In A Bowl’s latest briliance

  4. I love what you did with the dresser!!!!! And the kids are so stinking cute..

    Kim’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners

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