Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere
bubbles on the beach

Nate Making Me Mimosas on My Birthday. On The Beach
Popping the cork

Happy Birthday to Me
Mimosas on the beach

The Heart in The Sand was Nate’s Idea. <3 I love my husband.
mimosas on the beach2

Princess Found a Sea Horse (It’s in Nate’s hands)
it was alive and yes, we took it back into the water and released it

Faster Daddy, Faster
Faster Daddy

I had the most wonderful birthday. I spent it with my family and then I came home, turned on my computer and saw this from my Mishi. It warmed my heart, made me smile and brought tears to my eyes. She is a blessing and a gift to me.

I’m thrilled to join the photograph sharing meme hosted by my darling friend, Lotus.Β  Go check her out at Sarcastic Mom and every Sunday check out all the amazing people who link up their inspiring, funny, beautiful and breathtaking photos in the Weekly Winners Meme.



Don’t forget!Β  Tomorrow is Mouthwatering Monday!Β  Bring your favorite dish and enjoy the recipe sharing love!


  1. I don’t think I’ve posted a recipe (on my cooking blog) in weeks. That’s because I haven’t been cooking-yikes! Better get on that.

    I love that he thought about the heart!! You deserve a Mr.Wonderful like that πŸ™‚
    .-= Mrs4444´s last blog ..Weekly Winners =-.

    1. You’re so sweet πŸ˜‰ Thank you. He is such an amazing man and I am so blessed with him!

      I understand about not cooking πŸ˜‰ It happens.

  2. Awww, that is SO thoughtful! and yummmmy! mimosa’s are TO DIE FOR!

    πŸ™‚ It sounds like you had a great birthday!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Weekly Winners: Storm Season =-.

  3. You, my dear, are well loved. By your sisterhood, by your family, by everyone you touch!
    .-= Secret Agent Mishi´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {Nature Edition} =-.

  4. I am endlessly jealous that you found a seahorse. We don’t exactly find seahorses on the MS Gulf Coast. Crabs? Shrimp? We have. Fairytale creatures like seahorses? Not so much.

    Happy belated birthday, babe. Mimosas make everything nice, don’t they?

    1. In all the years that we’ve been going to the beach we’ve never found one either. I’m choosing to see it as a sign of the amazing year that is to come πŸ˜‰
      Thank you for the birthday wishes, my sweet friend. xoxo

    1. luff you. The sea horse kind of gave it that magical quality πŸ˜‰ and the kids were priceless, and then there’s Nathan… he is more than I could have ever asked for πŸ˜‰

  5. From the heart in the sand to the seahorse, your day looked more than amazing.
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..This? Is not OK: Time-Out Dolls =-.

  6. Those are fantastic! I love the seahorse, it’s so tiny!
    .-= perpstu´s last blog ..Weekly Winners – Final blooms =-.

    1. thanks! My husband and I were in shock! We couldn’t get over the fact that she found an ACTUAL seahorse!!! Lent a really neat magical air to the day πŸ˜‰

  7. Oh, it looks like a fantastic birthday!
    .-= Corina – Down to Earth Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners 8/2 to 8/2 – Got out with the camera edition =-.

  8. So glad you had such a beautiful birthday, Rachel! And I cannot believe you guys found a seahorse! Wow!! My son would positively wet himself in excitement if we found one. So cool.

    1. Thanks, Amy! It was a fantastic birthday and I still can’t believe that we found a sea horse! My kids were over the moon and my daughter was upset that I wouldn’t let her keep it πŸ˜‰

  9. Wow, I just had to comment about the sea horse! That is so cool. It seems all we ever do is take pictures of our kids holding the various bugs and creatures they find, but we’ve never discovered one of those cute little things. Happy birthday!
    .-= Marjorie´s last blog ..Thanks a Lot, National Geographic =-.

    1. Thanks!!! Yeah, it’s bit nicer to have a pic of that than of the sea lice or the sea weed πŸ˜‰ We may never find one again so, it’s cool to have that picture for the kids. Thanks for stopping in!

  10. You are one lucky woman. VERY sweet with the heart in the sand.

    .-= VDog´s last blog ..Serenity Now Sunday – August 16th, 2009 =-.

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