The First Signs of Fall
First Sign of Fall

A Little Rain Brings A Lot of Green
a little rain

His Eyes Were NOT Bigger Than His Stomach (even if the pizza was bigger than his head)
Pizza Bigger Than Your Head

Daddy’s Hands
Daddy's Hands Day 20

For The Monkey’s Birthday
cupcakes in ice cream cones

Showing His Age Before Diving Into The Presents (Fwee)

Thanks to my darling friend Lotus whose view through her lens always inspires me.  She hosts the Weekly Winners Fun, pop on over there browse around her blog and others who participate, you will be inspired, too.

blogging for boobs 250

Don’t Forget!  Blogging For Boobs starts on Oct 1st and runs through the whole month of October in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Please help us raise money and awareness in the fight to the cure.


  1. Beautiful! Cute boy there. He’s happy about his birthday! =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Embracing September =-.

  2. Love the birthday shot and that big cheesy smile!!
    .-= Cortney @ evanhaslanded´s last blog ..Weekly Winners – Rain, Rain Go Away! =-.

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