My Little Cowboy

The Soundtrack of My Father

The Next American Idol…

Dog Tired

These pictures are happily submitted and shared as a part of the darling Lotus’ Weekly Winners Meme.

Go, be inspired, be moved, be challenged to pick up your camera and capture life’s moments


  1. OK, I am inspired. These are awesome shots – all of them. My favorite is the boy with the “Next American Idol”, but each one is a great photo in itself!

    .-= A Maui Blog´s last blog ..Tropical Flowers =-.

  2. 1) I love the new look. This is you, my love. This. Is. You.
    2) You are such an awesome photographer.
    3) God, I love those boots!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {The Black & White Edition} =-.

  3. Gorgeous, mama!
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..The one where I’m my own pimp, but really, it’s for the good of the people =-.

  4. Those cowboy boots are wonderful! What a great set of shots!
    .-= Denise´s last blog ..Weekly Winners (Jan. 10 – 16) =-.

  5. That American Idol winner and dog are both adorable! Now, if you could just get the dog to sing to the idol’s tune… 😉
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..It DO get cold in Texas and Baby models. =-.

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