Lotus, Thanks for hosting the Weekly Winners!Β  Every Sunday it’s the kick in the tush that I need to remind me to get out my camera and capture more moments of beauty in the every day. xoxoΒ  Y’all go over there and be inspired and join in!

Roasted Red Pepper Basil Mayo on Ciabatta bread with Steak, Sauteed Mushrooms, Onions and Garlic


Those weird {wink wink} Northerners Even Label it Pop in Their Stores!!!!***


The Color Greets Me As We Pull Up Our Drive and Makes Me Smile


PHEW what a week!Β  Chicago and The Kraft Kitchens were AMAZING!Β  I’ll write more on that later!Β  It was such a whirlwind and I swear that I took pictures.. you can see them in my flickr stream if you’d like.

Princess Starts Kindergarten tomorrow!Β  Let me repeat myself:Β  MY DAUGHTER STARTS KINDERGARTEN TOMORROW!!!

So today is a busy busy day and tomorrow, wow.. I’m excited.. she’s excited, yes.. there will be pictures and probably a sweet/sappy post, just so you know.

Tomorrow is also Mouthwatering Monday over here so rev up your recipes, grab your Tonguegasmic button and play along!

*** Pop Soda or Coke?Β  What do y’all call it?Β  Let me know in your comments!


    1. Nope πŸ™‚ It’s Coke.. well specifically, that’s Dr Pepper and {swoon} Diet Dr Pepper, which is virtually impossible to find in Chicago and solidifies why I love the South. It’s everywhere. Generic Term in TX for those kind of drinks: “I’m gonna have a Coke” {and then they order their flavor, Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper etc….}

  1. Kindergarten?! How cool is that? Good luck to both of you!

    That sandwich looks awesome. I’ve fallen in love with Ciabatta bread.

    Whenever I visit my dad’s family in Ohio, I will use the word ‘pop’ for days. Darn Yankees!
    .-= Tara R.´s last blog ..Weekly Winners ~ looking up =-.

    1. LOL “darn yankees” LOL!!!!! Ciabatta bread is fabulous! It makes such yummy sandwiches!
      Thanks, I know.. KINDERGARTEN.. I’m excited and in shock. πŸ™‚

  2. I agree, it’s soda and I’m a “Northerner” but I think I just liked the way it sounded better when I was a kid and now it is just a habit that my friends make fun of : ).
    .-= Cortney @ evanhaslanded´s last blog ..Weekly Winners – Summer Edition =-.

  3. That’s so awesome that you did the Kraft Kitchen thing. Perfect person for it! <3

    Off to see your Flickr now…and drool!!

    Good luck to your Princessa!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {Ze Kidz Edition} =-.

  4. Congratulations on the next bog milestone on your daughter’s life – wow, kindergarten! I still remember my kids first day in school. Bring tissues πŸ™‚

    The food photo made me hungry and the color of the flower is so radiant! Good job taking those shots!

    .-= A Maui Blog´s last blog ..Maui Sunset At Kamaole III Beach Park =-.

  5. We call it pop here in South Dakota! Haha. Sometimes I call it soda personally though. I don’t know for sure how it’s labeled in stores, but I’m pretty sure it’s pop here too.
    .-= Nik´s last blog ..Weekly Winners #18 =-.

    1. I find that so bizarre! Down here it’s labeled it’s proper names in stores, restaurants, etc… Coke, Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, Diet Dr Pepper, Sprite, Mt. Dew etc…

  6. It’s POP! I would use ‘soda’ to refer to soda water, but not a sweet and fizzy beverage.

    I am Canadian. I’m pretty sure we call it pop everywhere here, at least that’s the only term I’ve ever heard being used. Although in the store we would label it by its proper name, unless it’s like on a menu in which case we use ‘soft drinks’.

    And good luck with kindergarten! We have a year to go and I’m worrying already.
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Lovable Labels =-.

    1. Soda Water???? That’s what the old west calls it and some of the older generations of Texans, LOL πŸ˜‰
      I found that it was labeled Pop in the stores.. even stranger than the fact that it’s called Pop πŸ™‚
      You can often find it labeled Soft Drinks on restaurant menus here, too πŸ˜‰
      Thanks, Amber!

    1. I do love my Canadians πŸ™‚ xoxoxo
      I am however immeasurably jealous that y’all have the lime coconut cookies and we can’t get them down here. Those suckers are AMAZING.

      REally.. Pop…. I keep waiting for.. “goes the weasel” πŸ™‚

      1. When you Twittered about those cookies the other day, I clicked on the photo and…I never knew they even existed. I’ll have to keep an eye out the next time I go to the grocery store.

        Should I send you some? πŸ˜‰

    1. Awww Sara, thank you!!!! xoxox
      I’m going to start posting more salads and stuff, too! Maybe that’ll help! I need the help too, trust me! I saw some of the pictures from the Kraft thing and nearly died.

      Soda does sound MUCH nicer than Pop πŸ™‚ I’m with ya there!!!

  7. Grew up calling it pop, but then lived ever so briefly on the East coast and now I call it soda. Pop sounds silly. Although I hate to burst your bubble but Coke sounds ridiculous. I never understood calling it a Coke and then clarifying what kind of soda you want. We should all just get on board with soda. I think it has a classy ring to it πŸ™‚
    .-= The Diaper Diaries´s last blog ..Frugal Friday- Cheap Tweets =-.

      love you. I know! I KNOW! Coke is weird, but it’s just the Texas way.. I guess πŸ™‚ Let’s agree to agree and then yet not πŸ™‚ (snort)

  8. I grew up in Colorado and remember calling it pop as a kid until I spent a summer in New Jersey. I remember being at the hospital with my great-grandmother. I asked the nurse where the pop machine was and she looked at me like I was speaking some foreign language. Finally it clicked and she said, “oh, you mean the soda machine.” Ever since then, it has been soda to me.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Mom’s Gazpacho =-.

    1. HA! That’s funny. A foreign language πŸ˜‰ Isn’t it bizarre how colloquialisms can completely change the fact that even though we (somewhat) speak the same language πŸ™‚ it can be completely alien to us…

  9. I live in good ole Mississippi and I have always called it COKE, no matter if I meant Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite or DP. It’s a Coke! Pop…yeah right!
    .-= Alyssa´s last blog ..Good Friends = Good Life =-.

    1. The sandwich was on! You.. would have loved the sandwich. Come down and I’ll make you and Lisa one, and Fury can share mac and cheese and jalapeno corn bread with the kids! And then, we’ll hit the beach or go fishing on the boat. K?

  10. You know why the sign read, “pop”? Because it’s POP! Duh. LOL!
    It was great meeting you! I hope you had a good flight home while I nearly died of asphyxiation since my driver, Dimitri, bathed in cologne before taking me home.

    1. Ha HA! Maybe Dimitri was just getting fancy for you? Did you ever think of that? πŸ™‚ heh.
      Meeting and cooking with you was a blast. You are a true gem.

  11. Fun Fact: I was raised in Arizona but my parents are from the Midwest and so I’ve said POP all my LIFE!!
    .-= To Think Is To Create´s last blog ..The Tide Is Coming =-.

  12. Pop! All the way! πŸ™‚ I’m from Montana.

    Just stumbled onto your blog tonight via the awesome 4RE blog. So glad I did too!

    1. Welcome! glad you’re here!! πŸ™‚ My husband actually dreams about living in Montana.. somewhere with more seasons than hot, hotter and holy hell it’s out outside πŸ™‚
      Hope to see you again! Thanks for weighing in on the Pop/Soda/Coke debate!

  13. I’m a Texas girl with relatives in Iowa. I remember many a miscommunication regarding “pop” or “coke”. LOL, I’m a Coke drinker through and through…they just don’t understand that Pepsi isn’t the same thing. Poor souls!
    .-= Teresa´s last blog ..Buzz, buzz, buzz like a Bee =-.

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