
Mom, I’m trying to eat. Put the camera down.

Valentine’s Parties are good for one thing. Sugar

It’s really just exhausting being so cute

This picture was taken on a different day than the one above. How sad is that? πŸ™‚

That’s Hail People!! HAIL! In South Texas!!

Weekly Winners is the brilliant brain child of the fantabulous Lotus of Sarcastic Mom fame. To participate click here or click here for more Weekly Winners.


  1. Too. Cute.

    I have a sleeping in highchair pic, this week, too.

    Forgive me for not stopping by as often as I should, please. ((HUGS))

  2. Too tired to eat…i can count on one hand how many times my kids feel asleep in the chair. Does this mean that I didn’t wear them out?

    I love the feeding the baby sweets pic…now that is the real way to Parent! I think my sons first solid taste of food was ice cream.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love yours! I have a daughter and a son that I call Princess and Monkey too, but my daughter is 14 and she doesn’t like it when I call her Princess anymore.

  4. does the little guy eat turkey everyday? turkey does that too me! and i love the princess with the red nails way too cute!

  5. my son, ross…he fell asleep in the highchair, while sucking on a lollipop!! i have to find the pictures and post them because…there is nothing cuter than a kid, falling asleep while eating!!
    great pics…as usual!
    p.s…sorry about the hail!! hahahahaha!!

  6. Luckily we didn’t get the hail here in Austin. Crazy winter we are having! Back to being sunny today at least.

    –Weekend blog hopping

  7. No Tiff: πŸ™‚
    Not often. Especially not down South.
    The avg temp the last couple weeks has been 70ish. I think I’ve worn a sweater twice. πŸ™‚
    Y’all: I’m beginning to think it’s the Saltine crackers πŸ™‚

  8. My brother was in that hail storm when I was on the phone with him. Small world!

    Cute lil sleeping babe!

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