
Dec 30 – Jan 4

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the unmatchable Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

Coat was a Christmas gift and South Texas actually gave us 2 days worth of wearing weather!!

Digging in her great grandfather’s garden. They were planting tomatoes

What? I’m using the handle.

cast iron+thinly sliced potatoes and onions+Lawry’s and olive oil=delicious

What do you mean I need a haircut? Mom?

Letting princess choose the colors with photoshop

This is such hard work


  1. The bathtub pictures are great. How on earth did you do that? your blog is a varitable cornucopia of new things for my eyes to see.

  2. I love the hair photo!

    Got yourself a little Billy Idol there. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I see you are playing with the new PhotoShop toy!

  3. Love each photo! Can’t really pic a favorite on though! Also loving the photo shop work you are doing!!!

  4. Love the bathtub/haircut photo! I think we all have one or two photos with our hair all spiked up don’t we? Or is that just me?

  5. Wow – really? In TX? You got to wear it? Hehe, jk. I used to live in Austin! I miss it.

    I LOVE the corn shot, btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Rachel, I love ’em all.. Bathing in Technicolor is rather tRiPpY mAn!

    Beautiful children, totally edible!

  7. love the pics!!! the techicolor one…how’dya do that? so way cool! i have a pic of my son, on cr8buzz…your son and my son have the same bathtub hairstyle…

  8. photoshop, photoshop, photoshop,photoshop.. I shall eat, sleep and breathe it until I uncover all it’s secrets.
    Oh and Honeybell… those potatoes, they are unbelievably easy and delicious. I would have taken a pic of the final product but they were gone before I could pick up my camera!

  9. Wow. Tomatoes in January? I’m trying to comprehend that as I stare at snow melting in my yard. Haha!

  10. Oh my but he’s getting so big! I love the one where he’s pushing the trike. You should bring him over to play.

    Bring little ms. mam too- me and ms. A are feeling a bit outnumbered here.

  11. Judith, give me oh about a day or so and we’re there ๐Ÿ™‚ LOL.
    I’m sure the testosterone is taking over there!!

  12. Your photos are great! I love the duct tape on the diaper. I’ve tried that too. ๐Ÿ™‚ But there is something to be said for the cuteness of a baby’s bare bottom.

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