
I think she wanted a sister


No Peek Chicken and Steamed Asparagus

Is there something on my face?

They named a street after her

The wonderfully talented and witty Lotus at Sarcastic Mom is the founder of and inspiration for the Weekly Winners movement. I urge you to visit her and see her photographic brilliance, and the ‘nekkid’ butt kid.

I talked to my Dad a bit ago. My Dee is getting weaker. He’s having a harder time breathing and they’ve upped his morphine to help him. He is 93 years old and has lived an amazing life. Please join us in praying for a peaceful and easy passing, before he gets worse. Please send up prayers for a quick and painless passing as well as strength for the rest of the family.


  1. oh! I totally TOTALLY have that shot (with LB dressing up Baby O) this week, too! I might have to join weekly winners just to show you because I took that on Wednesday this week. We’re twinners! (And I couldn’t be happier to have one boy and one girl, I do NOT need two girls, oy)

  2. Oh. Rachel. Sending prayers your way. Lot of them. It is in God’s hands. Yes? Hugs for everyone.

    Your pictures are too cute. She wants a sister, huh? Sending prayers for that too.

    Tell me when too stop sending prayers. LOL. Okay? Again, hugs for everyone!

  3. Rachel, I’m so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family. ((hugs))

    Your little ones are just precious 🙂 Her wanting a sister is just priceless.

  4. i use to dress my little brother up like a girl too…even though i also had 2 little sisters.

    i love the cheerio on the nose pic tooooo!!! so cute!

    sending up prayers…

  5. Awwwwwwwwww…the breathing treatment picture broke my heart. 🙁 Prayers are also lifted for your Dee. 🙁

    (((HUGS))) Thinking of you!!

  6. great pics, the breathing one really pulled on my heart strings.

    Thoughts are with you and your family for Dee, I hope he’s comfortable.

  7. Best wishes to your family during this hard time. We’ve had a lot of death in the past year and it’s just so difficult.

    And hey – if you post a picture of a yummy looking meal, you have to post the recipe!!! I’m drooling here!

  8. Prayers sent.

    The breathing treatment is hard to see! Bless you for the week you have had.

    Hope the next one is better…

  9. I love baby boy’s high chair shots – they are always so cute!!

    And your Dee is in my thoughts.

  10. Rachel, my thoughts and best wishes go out to you and your family. Looks like your Dee did indeed live a full life. Something to celebrate for years to come.

    Oh, and my mom wanted a daughter. She has pics. I may post them someday 😉

  11. Thanks y’all.
    It is my dad’s dad.
    He’s 93 and has lived 92 wonderfully full and happy years.
    Tasina, click the name of the dish and it takes you to the recipe.
    The asparagus was in the steamer with salt, pepper and garlic salt and a smidge of olive oil for about 12 minutes.

  12. Rachel,

    I’m praying for you and your family. ((((BIG hug))))

    The sister thing… too funny! I used to do that to my brother too! ;o)

  13. Your family will be in my thoughts.

    I’ll have to try that yummy sounding recipe, and I love that first shot. Too cute!

  14. I love the wanting a sister and the neb photo, can relate to both.
    So sorry to hear that things are not going well with your family. Sending peace and strength your way.

  15. THAT is hilarious. Someday he will pay her back for that shot (that Mom POSTED ON THE INTERNET). They are ADORABLE!

  16. Your pics made me chuckle…and then your Dee. It is so hard to watch a beloved loved one leave! Sending up prayers right now to the Guy in CHARGE.

  17. I love the photos. The first one is classic, the bow in his hair, too cute. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Take care.

  18. Rachel,
    I was MIA since Friday.. I am sending prayers today..

    And your photos.. are just too cute..

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