Jan 27th to Feb 2nd

Weekly Winners is the result of the fabulosity that is Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

You knew there would be a picture of this on here!

Goose Gate ’08

Looking towards the future

Look what I made!>

You gave me the chocolate, now give me more!


  1. My hubby takes our girls every month to do the Workshops at Lowe’s and Home Depot. It is fun to see how many buttons they have on their aprons.

  2. well, those were good and fun and neat! the future one with that background – neato!

    mine’s up – it’s still me, rhonda. i’ve just changed my look and my name! i’m now Foster Me Up ๐Ÿ˜‰ i feel like i got new furniture!

  3. Love the picture of Princess at Home Depot. We are going to have to start taking our girls there so they can make stuff.

  4. Love the last one!! That’s exactly how I act about chocolate too ๐Ÿ˜‰
    And I’m still insanely jealous of your new ride, but I’m kinda coveting the Hybrid Yukon I saw on TV last night. Now which kid to sell…

  5. Love the new truck!!! Congrats!
    The pictures are so adorable…love the one of your son standing there looking into the future!!

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