Jan 20th to Jan 26th

And so begins, the legend of Red Beard

Who says real men can’t wear pink.

Look Mom, there’s more down there

Mom, the cup is stuck to my face.

Weekly Winners is the result of the fabulosity that is Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

Today, Sunday the 27th is hubby’s 32nd birthday πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday Honey!!
He’s not only my weekly winner, he’s my lifetime winner!
I will be off all day today to celebrate and cook for his birthday! Y’all have a fabulous Sunday and I’ll see you Monday!
Cheers to all my darling Blog Hoppers!!


  1. Happy Birthday to hubby!!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Oh my…that one of the cake is hilarious!

    Blog hoppin’ πŸ™‚

  2. adorable – Cinderella is a doll – I have two messy red beards here Spaghetti night too – I love the captions.
    Cheers to your hubby.

  3. HAHAHAHA! He’ll be on TopMomma before you know it, what with his cake face or red beard.

    Love them, Rachel!!

  4. love the tutu…where can i pick up one for my boys? and there is nothing better then a good baby eating cake (or is it cake eating baby?)…so cute!

  5. Red Beard made me giggle!! Seeing that would kill my hubby a little inside…he hates messy eating…so I love seeing it when I can!! *lol*

  6. Awww man…if you can lose the tutu on him, but keep him holding that broom for 20 more years, the ladies will SWOON over him one day!

  7. Your Cinderfella = too cute for rules!
    HB to your guy too. Have a great Sunday!
    Late to the bloghop… Pomtini

  8. how can today be your hubbys birthday…it’s my hubby’s birthday!! except, yours is much younger than mine…mine is 43!!
    happy birthday to your husband!
    and…awesome pics! your son cracks me up…he’s adorable!

  9. The Ladies Man shirt paired with the skirt is brilliant!

    Happy Birthday to your Husband. I hope you had a great day.

  10. Red Beard photo is classic!!!! Love it… Hope you had a great day with your hubby.. these pics are great.. πŸ™‚

  11. Oh my, I love this t-shirt and his smirk. That is one cute litte cinderfella! Happy belated birthday to Mr. Wonderful. πŸ™‚

  12. This gives me justification for tutu buying if we end up having another baby and it is another boy!

    My delimma is SOLVED!!!!

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