Earning his Nickname
monkey boots tree



Rock of Ages

garden humor



Trapped in Space




Monkey and His BFF Instar.gram style

Monkey and Meggy BFF



Someday …. Just Like Daddy

helping hands



Everything’s Coming Up Roses

roses at Gran's




peek a boo


To see photos from some who inspire me — go visit Lotus


  1. I like the rock. I need one of those in my garden – it’s all about perspective.

    The shot of Monkey and his friend is so incredibly cute.

  2. That first shot makes me very happy…loving the monkey in the tree….but the trapped in space is just really cool. Nice find.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! The trees were shedding all over my in-law’s house and I happened to see that caught on a thin strand of webbing. Took me a few tries to get it just right!

  3. Love that Monkey is up in a tree with his cowboy boots! I agree with Katie – does that shirt come in big girl sizes??

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