A Little Corny

a little corny




I Love World Market

mango chipotle sauce



Featured in The Record Star

newspaper taken with instagram iphone app


Texas Celebration at HEB

party at HEB taken with instagram iphone app





morning cup



More Weekly Winners can be found at Lotus’ lovely lair



  1. That last shot is so filled with emotion and depth.

    I want a copy of that feature. Or maybe you could scan it so we can read? Love you, Rach. xxoo

  2. I know – I saw each of these pictures as you posted them. To be blessed with the whisk – and the lense – and be such a good mom and bride – and be so darned nice – so much respect – so much respect.

    God bless you Rachel.

  3. Love them all! I would probably die with out a visit to World Market at least once a month… Yup. Dead.
    The new HEB commercial they put out for SuperBowl is one of my all time favs!

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