Corpus Christi got an icing this week, they’re calling it the most significant arctic blast in Corpus Christi’s history.

Ice Dancing

ice stomping


Ice Caterpillar

Do you see a frog?*

Ice Frog

No Fish For You

Frozen fishing net

A Crack in The Door

Ice Car

Still uploading my BlissDom pictures — you can find them here

Go visit one of my favorite people, Lotus, for inspiration and more Weekly Winners

* there wasn’t really a frog, just a trick of ice and texture


  1. I love seeing the ice (and snow) through other people’s eyes. Since we are pounded with it for months it loses it’s magicalness and then I see photos and wonder why my hard drive isn’t filled to the brim with the winter wonder of it all.

    Thanks for sneaking a little magic back into the cold for me.

    Also love the ‘frog’ photo (as well as the entire set on flickr from that day) and since I collect frogs I almost want to make you print it up for me.

  2. I lived in Corpus Christi for a few years. I was born and raised in San Antonio and now live in Atlanta. I have never heard of it icing there. Wow! Great captures!

  3. We get ice more than we get snow usually, and I think it is way more dangerous–pretty, but very dangerous. The trees are gorgeous when they are covered, but then I worry that the branches will all fall off πŸ™‚ Hope you are safe!

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