Blackeyed Beauties

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

All That Glitters…

Visit More Weekly Winners over at the Brilliant and Beautiful Blog of the One and Only, Lotus.

My Final Tastemaker Video is up and ready for viewing:  I’d love it if y’all would take 4 minutes out of your day to watch it and rate it, please.  Y’all can watch it here


  1. Beautiful work, Rach!! I love them all, except the meds b/c that means the sickies are in town and no one likes sickies. No one.

    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {The ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Edition} =-.

  2. Hope you’re all feeling better soon!

    I love the black eyed beauties!! Great shot!!
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Weekly Winners & Project 365 =-.

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