Baby It’s Cold Outside
hot chocolate

Pure Joy


It’s a Family Tradition


grapes and champagne

Happy 2011, y’all!

I hope 2011 brings each of you joy, love, laughter, friendship, peace, happiness and blessings beyond measure.

***iPhoto is still killing me.

If anyone is a Mac guru or knows anything about iPhoto and recovery etc… I’d love some help!Β  Yesterday iPhoto deleted all my pictures from Dec 31 and Jan 1 and I can’t find them anywhere! PLUS iPhoto won’t allow me to show thumbnails.

Carbonite recovered my photos, however, they’ve all been resized to 240 X 240 which means they’re not much good to me, anybody know anything about that?

Happy 2011, y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m sorry you lost your pictures! I’ve been hearing about probs like that happening. Scares me to death of it happening to me!

    I love the two shots you do have! I want some hot cocoa now!

  2. We need to find a solution to your photo headaches. This is not acceptable!

    I have iPhoto too, and have never heard of what happened to you. Now, I’m worried.

  3. i have an external hard drive just for the purpose of NOT losing photos cos i’ve had computers crash with no back up. i don’t have a mac, so i’m not much help there, but always best to back up photos/vids cos some programs and computers have a way of ‘losing’ them. i actually had made a movie with muvee reveal..went to open it up today, and only the song was there…no images at all! luckily i could download it from my youtube account where i had it posted. i was thinking, ‘oh crap, i’ve gotta figure out which videos and photos where in the vid & i’m dumb enough to not label things.’ lol

  4. The hot chocolate shot makes me all sorts of happy. And cravey….yum yum…

    I hope your photos are recovered. That is horribly tragic…I’m always terrified of that and even never save things directly onto my computer…they all go on my external. Fingers cross that never goes!!

  5. Okay, I don’t know squat about Macs or iphoto, etc. I think Apple is a huge monopoly for which I will not sell my soul to be part of. But that’s a rant for another day.

    The champagne shot is perfect! love the bokeh from the beads too. Wonderful!

  6. My husband knows things about computers. He says that it might be an issue with the restoring process, because it should have them as the original size unless you saved them that way. I would contact Carbonite. We use a 2nd computer to back up to, but it’s not really the best either especially if our house burned down or something.

  7. I don’t know how to recover your photos, but have you done all your software updates from Apple? (Click on your Apple symbol in the top left corner of your screen and then click on ‘software updates’ if you are not sure.) Sometimes glitches like that happen and they put out updates to fix them…but you have to download them regularly. Don’t know if that will help…. Happy New Year!

  8. love the hot chocolate… sorry no help on the picture recovery but I hope you get it straightened out. i will second that we have an external hard drive that I copy all my pics too, just in case.

    1. The cocoa is AWESOME! I posted the recipe today. πŸ˜‰
      No, that camera is actually a hand me down from MY grandfather and it’s in my Dad’s study on his bookshelf. I hope to get it, one day πŸ˜‰

  9. I love, love dark chocolate, and especially love it in a hot drink. The recipe looks great but I’d suggest the following: I make mine with skim milk, and add about 1/4 tsp salt. Salt really does bring out the chocolaty flavor. America’s Test Kitchen (Cook’s Illustrated) just posted a great recipe and it includes a bit of salt.

    1. Thanks, Sandi πŸ˜‰
      I use skim milk in mine, too. I’ve made this recipe with salt and without and I wasn’t able to tell a noticeable difference and since we eat enough salt πŸ˜‰ LOL in my family πŸ˜‰ I opted to leave it out! That’s a great tip, though! Thanks for stopping in to say Hi and leave that tip πŸ˜‰

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