I have so many winners this week.

And yet….

at this moment, they’re lost somewhere….

Carbonite is whirring away.

I know this because I can hear it.

I chatted, they took control, they’re/it’s  working and I’m hoping and praying that they have the magic and the oomph to recover Princess’ First grade program pictures.

The First Grade Program with her best friends, her first public speaking part, her first performance.

The week where I also photographed the most amazing sugar cookies ever, the prettiest oreo truffles I ever did make and the 900 other moments of life that I captured this week and didn’t link to my external.

So here are my partial weekly winners

Holier Than Thou (or yours)


A Heart Full of Love

love is everywhere

Mama’s Little Angel?

naughty or nice

and last, but SO NOT LEAST — I’m beyond honored to be the first blogger featured on Where Women Cook‘s new Amuse Bouche Sunday feature.  They launched this past week with The Pioneer Woman on their print cover edition and ME featured online.

A Southern Fairy Tale | Where Women Cook_1292738145887

Thank you so much, Jo and Loralee, I’m truly honored and delighted.

Linking the beauty and the crazy to Lotus’ inspirational Weekly Winners


  1. I am sorry I couldn’t help you retrieve your pics! I love your blog great pics. Let’s pray that you can get them back.

  2. Omigosh, I hope you get your photos back! Ack!
    (Also, note to self, back everything up, stat!)

    Congrats on the Amuse Bouche feature…so exciting!

    Your angel is such a doll.

  3. That is so awesome! Congrats on being featured!!!

    I love the Holier than thou…nice to know my kid isn’t the only one running around full of holes *lol*

  4. It was the easiest choice ever of who to feature first. I adore thee! Love ya, doll face. Can’t wait to hug in January. 🙂 xo

  5. Hi Rachel,
    All are great, but I love love the second one. That is so amazing and a perfect title for it.

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