1. LOL πŸ˜‰ It is Nate’s favorite team EVER and she is her Daddy’s girl πŸ˜‰

      He has liked them for a long time.. truly, it’s any team BUT the Cowtoys πŸ™‚ Also, Tony Dungee is an amazing man.

  1. I’m with Mishi on this one…the Colts? I LIVE here and I don’t like them…then again I’m from NY and we’re brainwashed from birth (with the help of some additives in the water) to love the Bills for all eternity. πŸ˜€

    BUT, great series…I love the chalkboard pumpkin…awesome.

      1. LOL. I know. It doesn’t seem specific to one region…Every region seems to have its own brainwashing scheme…differing sports, but same brainwashing πŸ˜‰

      2. Time out! Who’s the Aggie? And how did I miss this connection?

        Sorry. College Station can’t scroll by on my screen and not make me back up. LOL

          1. How cool!

            As silly as it sounds, knowing someone else doing Weekly Winners has ties to Aggieland of any sort just makes me ridiculously happy.

            I have family in Bryan still, myself. Any time I make it back to Texas I try to fit in a trip to College Station. Always thought I might end up back there… aw heck, there’s a lot of life left to lead. Still might for all I know.

    1. It’s been fun so far! Really looking forward to tonight.
      She’s very blonde but she has some strawberry streaks, especially in certain lights and hair-do’s. πŸ™‚ I love her freckles πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks, Rebecca!!! I have a whole series of them on the trampoline adn I was torn between this one and another one, however, I looove the hair action in this one πŸ˜‰

  2. Lovin’ the pics, but WHAT is that YUMMY looking food I see?? Where’s the recipe for all that yummy goodness?!?!?

    1. Thanks, Chris!
      It’s called Wamsutta πŸ˜‰ I’ll be posting it very soon! promise! It’s a family recipe that I grew up with and it just screams home and comfort to me.

    1. Maggie, it’s crazy delish.

      One of those comfort foods from growing up that has a family recipe.. but, can be adapted and changed according to what you have in your pantry.

      I love it. I’m having it again tomorrow πŸ˜‰

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