Flickering Jack
Jack 'O

Going For The Gold


Snow White
the big apple

Thanks, Mishi!!!

Disco Monkey

Disco Monkey

I’m challenging myself this next week to spend time re-reading my camera manual, talking to friends, asking questions of those who inspire me and challenging myself to take more pictures in different ways.

To see one of my biggest inspirations and wonderful friend,  Lotus, who hosts this amazing photography meme… and make sure you visit  Mishi, Secret Agent Mama, too for she is one of my favorite photography inspirations and dear friends.


  1. I think I’m going to do what you’re doing this week and go back and read my manual; I’ve also got a book that’s all about how to master my particular camera, and I’m going back over that, too. You are an amazing photographer, by the way! But think of me while you’re reading that manual….I’ll be reading one, too!

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