Staples (click here for the story)

Little Miss Muffet’s Nemesis

Monkey’s Custom Birthday Cake (made by a friend) to match his Tiny Prints Invitation
monkey's 4th birthday cake

Between the fireplace vs head experience and Monkey’s birthday party today, I’m wiped.

I took more pics from his birthday with the lens of awesomeness that I rented from The Lens Depot but, I’m too tired to pull them up and share them 😉

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  1. The is an awesome cake! Happy Fourth to Monkey.

    Those staples made me wince. I’m glad he is doing okay now. Considering the week you had, you need a vacation.

  2. Were you standing outside my back door? Your spider looks just like the fine lady we have guarding our back door every night! Very cool.

    I love Monkey’s cake! I’m still not sure what kind to make for Braden – just next month – eek!

  3. I’m sorry, but I don’t think staples in the head is a winner!! Yikes!! I do think you are a winner for surviving it all, though 🙂 And oohhh my that is cake is ADORALBE!

  4. What’s with the spiders today! LOL

    I’m so sorry Monkey had such a fall. It’s my worst nightmare, really. Kisses from Miss Mishi!

  5. I hope the Monkey is doing better!! Amazing how fast they can recover…wish I had their regeneration skills!!

    Love the spider. They are creepy and scary and I don’t want them in my house – but they are so awesome to look at 😀

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