1. Yay!! Thank you so much Rachel for inviting us over during our weekend visit to town. Dinner was A-MAZ-ING and those cookies are da bomb. Y’all are welcome at our place any time!

    1. LOL, Krissa πŸ˜‰ Thanks.
      That was actually the end of the night! Sarah and her family came over while they were in town on vacation and I made dinner. There was beer and wine and steak and asparagus and yumminess all around πŸ˜‰

  2. Oh, seeing that picture of you makes me miss you so much! Can’t even pick a favorite of this week’s set, they’re all amazing in their own unique ways.

    1. Seriously, the Purple Cowboy is soo good. She found it at her Target. Our Target doesn’t have it.

      However, do a search for it and you’ll find an amazing deal at the Wine Sisterhood! A pack of delicious wines that I LOVE (and I’m not getting paid for that) for $44! Now, I need to find someone who loves me enough to send me the pack!

  3. I have beer and cars for the week, you have friends and cookies!! I say we are pretty much showing the same thing. πŸ™‚

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