
It’s a Boy Eat Dog Food World

Riding Bare Back

She Has The Cheapest Fairy Godmother, Ever.

*alternate title: Never a Pumpkin Around When You Need One

Share your favorite photos of the week and view other’s by going to visit the supremely adorable and talented Lotus.

I leave tomorrow for Vegas and I will not have time have internet access so I’ll be thinking of y’all, but not reading. OhMommy, Holly and Holly are babysitting my blog for me. Be sure to show them lots of love.



  1. Ooh, that first on looks like not a fun clean up, but is still cute, and the last one, too. Great set!

  2. Oh no…I don’t even want to know how long it took to clean up that dog food…

    It’s adorable though!

  3. Oh man, that first one made me shudder b/c it could happen here, and probably wil. EEEEK!

    Great shots, darling!

  4. Haha proof that blogging makes us patient parents. If you didn’t have the option of shooting a picture of that for your blog, it would be a lot easier to look at the pile of dog food and just freak out. At least now we find the camera, get a couple shots… and then freak out. Have a great dog-food-free time in Vegas!

  5. oh my! I’m guess the dog was locked up or outside or something?? If that had happened at our house and the dog was anywhere within and accessible distance, that food would have been being eaten as quickly as it was being poured out! ha!

    CUTIE pic of him on the spring horse, and I loved your captions for Princess on the scooter. LOL

  6. Great winners! I think anyone w/toddlers can relate to that 1st one~the 2cd one is too cute~& the last one is a RIOT 🙂 Love your captions for all!!

  7. Too cute!

    LOVE the dog food one. I’ve actually done that a couple times, not fun to clean up, that’s for sure!

  8. Nice! We have that exact same horse here – trust me, he’ll get a lot of use out of it – my almost 4 year old son still loves to bounce away!

  9. Cute, cute pics!! And my little one just dumped out the dog food an hour ago…
    Have a GREAT time in Vegas girl!

  10. UH OH…better get out the BIG vacuum cleaner for all that dog food!! lol

    Adorable kids you have there! 🙂

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