Dancing in The Rain
dancing in the rain

A Little Drop of Rain
little drop of rain

Thunder Rolls
the storm blowing in

Watering The Flowers
waves before the storm

Slippery When Wet
slippery when wet steps

waiting wmk

For more weekly winners and to be totally inspired; go visit Lotus

happy 4th


  1. As devastating as hurricanes can be, they are magnificent to watch! Wonderful shots of the storm.

    I hope you and yours have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

    1. Kat, me too! I LOVE watching storms and trying to capture them. I definitely need a raincoat for my camera! πŸ™‚
      Thank you πŸ˜‰ They love being at the water and he just couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t “SEE the hurricane coming”

    1. Thanks, Lotus!! I was crouched down on my flooded patio with my camera shoved as close as I could get without it being DIRECTLY under the downpour! πŸ™‚

      Thanks for providing a weekly place to share my pictures xoxox

  2. Those storms shots are fantastic! Love the first shot those… I can almost feel those drops myself!

  3. Ah, a water theme and just when we are needing rain where I am.

    That first shot is so awesome! Just love it and the last one as well!

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