
March 2nd thru March 8th

Hillary or Obama?

House Huggers

Porn? What Porn?

Where are the butcher and the candlestick maker?

For more WW fabulosity go visit the founder of WW Lotus


  1. She looks fabulous in glasses… she must get that from her Auntie Courtney. πŸ™‚

    Plus, the treehugger thing is HILARIOUS. Peter looked at me like I was an idiot for laughing so hard at that commercial. πŸ™‚

  2. Your blog keeps me feeling attached to you and my precious grandchildren on a daily basis. I love it!

  3. Cute shots…I love a baby in a bucket LOL!
    And your little girl with the paper, glasses and those shoes…how sweet!

  4. Your kiddos are absolutely adorable! That last shot is just so cute πŸ™‚ Loved your captions too!

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