
Jan 6th to Jan 12th

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the unmatchable Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

You can’t take a picture of me if you can’t catch me

Have I mentioned I love Photoshop?

So this is what being a fish feels like

Caption not necessary

The very first ice cream cone



  1. He hated that ice cream, didn’t he. And, I’m begging for Photo Shop for Valentine’s Day, St. Patty’s & Easter all rolled into 1!

  2. great pics! I love the first ice cream pic, and I’m intrigued… how do you get that effect on photoshop with the part-colour part-b/w?

  3. Your kids are super cute Rachel. I know you know this. I love your little guys’s smirk and your little girl’s smile. And your photoshop skillz? Amazing. So when are YOU going to start a blog design biz? It’s only a matter of time!

  4. They are all adorable…as soon as I get a camera..if…I get a camera…I think I am going to have to buy photoshop too…the effects, stuff you can do with it are awesome!
    Have a great week Rachel!

  5. Wow! Those were amazing pics πŸ™‚ The captions were hilarious! His expression in the first was priceless…

    Ah, photoshop…it’s magical πŸ™‚

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