little miss attitude

monkey bowling 2

April Showers

raindrops 3

These Boots Were Made For Jumping

puddle play 2

It’s Not About Waiting For The Storm To Pass; It’s About Learning To Dance in the Rain

puddle jumping boots

Shelter From The Storm

Raindrops on Flowers

Mesquite Diamonds

raindrops on mesquite leaves

Complete Role Reversal

role reversal

These pictures are all part of my obsession with photography and my new camera baby.  You can see more of my pictures in my daily flickr stream and you can visit more Weekly Winners and be inspired at the lovely Lotus’ place


  1. Rachie! LOVE the water shots. I want to try that…
    .-= linney´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners- Horse Show Days =-.

  2. Love these pictures! Such beautiful colors… crisp detail… rocking boots. Great job! =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s most recent blog ..Getting Fresh – Captured =-.

  3. I seriously love every single photo of this set. Every shot I went, “Ooh Love that. OOh love that. Ooh love THAT!” I think Concentration, though, is my favorite. But just by a hair.
    .-= Denise´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners (Apr. 11 – 17) =-.

  4. Beautiful all around…I particularly LOVE the jumpin’ in the puddles with two feet (or rain boots in this case).
    It would make a most excellent greeting card:)
    .-= meredith sinclair´s most recent blog ..The new Webcam greeting cards from Hallmark, on “Look what I found Friday!” =-.

  5. I love them all, Rach!!
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners {The Bokeh & Benjamin Edition} =-.

  6. This makes me want to dig up my camera again. It’s been in hiding lately. Not feeling “good enough” about my photography lately. Screw it…

    Thanks for the inspiration, sweets!
    .-= Sugar Jones´s most recent blog ..Social Media Gurus, Zombies, and Giant Peekachus… Oh My! =-.

  7. rainboots splashing in mud puddles… those make me wish it would storm right now! I could see any of these printed huge on canvas, or as postcards. So beautiful!!

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