Weekly Winners

The Lollipop Guild Naps

Little Red Suitcase


Pretty in Pink


*We are still in Kentucky. The services were yesterday and they were perfect. I will tell y’all more about our trip later, but I wanted to share just a couple of pictures from our trip thus far.
The flight was wonderful and the kids behaved perfectly, the hotel is nice and has a heated indoor pool which the kids have enjoyed. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers, they mean so much to my family and me.

You can visit the headquarters of Weekly Winners at the fantastic Lotus’ blog and see even more talented photographers and bloggers HERE


  1. those pictures are great! Rebecca commented on the exact two that caught my eye the most! LOL

    Glad the service was nice and I hope the rest of your trip goes well.

  2. Those pictures are amazing! I love the first and the second and the third…and…sorry, I can’t choose a favorite.

    Your link at Lotus is sending people to a previous WW.

    Have fun in KY!

  3. HRH: Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it.
    Daphne: It’s the Canon Rebel XTI with the 18-55mm Zoom Lens and the 75 to 300mm lens.
    I am in love with it. I’ve had it about a week and I am in heaven, but totally swamped learning it!!!
    Thanks y’all.

  4. I love the red suitcase photo! It’s so adorable seeing your little one toting the big suitcase along.

  5. Love the first picture. He looks so peaceful. Did you remove the lollipop? LOL. Have a safe trip home. I haven been thinking about you. 🙂

  6. I love the lollipop! He is such a great helper in the next picture too! I’m glad the service went well. I hope your flight back goes just as smoothly.

  7. OH MY Gosh.. I love that loolipop picture.. that pic is just adorable. I am glad the service went well..

  8. Love all of your shots! The “peace” one seems appropriate for your trip, huh?

    That first one is the money shot!

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