For Maddie
purple flowers

Aerating the Mondavi
wine aerator

Nature’s Diamonds
Drops of Water on a Leaf

Pastel Pallet
pastel pallet easter eggs

Waiting For The Game To Start
Kickball Cleats before the game

I didn’t take this next picture; Mr Lady did. It’s one of my favorite pictures from Easter.

Boys Will Be Boys
Taken by MR Lady
*Her fan is covered with about 15 nerf darts*

For more weekly winners go see the fantabulous Lotus


    1. That’s hysterical 😉 Loves and Misses you!
      That picture is seriously one of my favorites. It really captures the feel of the weekend xoxo

    1. Thank you!

      Actually my kids, Mr Lady’s Kids and Ron from CK Lunchbox’s kids all did them with multiple tie dye and regular egg dying kits.
      Then, as is tradition in TX the eggs got rained/sprinkled/misted on overnight making them super cool 😉

  1. That aerator is really cool, I’ve never seen that before.

    Also, nerf darts rule.
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..#249 =-.

    1. I had never seen or used one before, either. It’s kinda fun and REALLY cool!
      {I had to google how to use it..shhhh don’t tell}

      There may or may not have been SEVERAL nerf guns purchased over the weekend.

  2. I need an aerator!

    Love that shot by Mr. Lady.. Mostly b/c you look SEXSY!!!!!
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners {The Places Your Feet Take You Edition} =-.

  3. Why do you let your eggs get rained, misted or whatever on in Texas? I’m curious about the tradition.
    .-= Alyssa´s most recent blog ..Welcome to the Party =-.

    1. OH. LOL 😉 No, it’s more that it’s pretty much tradition that it rains. every. single. Easter 😉

      The Easter Bunny is super busy and the eggs get rained on in the early morning hours after he’s hidden them. Makes for pretty eggs, though 😉

  4. Oh and I wish I was 1/2 the photographer you are…maybe it’s my camera it’s – CHEAP! a Canon PC1251 nothing fancy.
    .-= Alyssa´s most recent blog ..Welcome to the Party =-.

    1. Awe, Alyssa.. Thank you.

      I’ve learned a lot in the last year about photography… and one thing that I’ve learned is that playing with angles and lighting and understanding your camera can do more than a fancy camera.
      Some people, like Lotus, take some of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen and they don’t have super fancy cameras either.

  5. Great photos… my husband once got a toy gun and for months I would find pellets all over the house…. not fun
    .-=´s most recent blog ..Play Dough II- Primary Colors =-.

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