March 8th – 15th

Who me? Up to something?

Those aren’t all soap bubbles you’re playing in

90 degree heat, 60 degree sprinkler

You can’t catch me

Pure Joy

Don’t Forget



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  1. Lovely! I can’t wait to get going to the beach again! Although I’d like to drive out to Corpus or South Padre instead of Galveston (closest to us).

  2. I love LOVE the joy one! It’s wonderful. I think I’m going to do this this week, even if I am a day late… 🙂

  3. LOVE your pics!! We are going to the beach later this week, can’t wait! Hopefully it will be more fun than our last attempt…

  4. You can have the rocking frog star award as well if you like…

    I will give it to you because you admired it.. Yay!!!!

    cheers kim.. xxx

  5. That Pure Joy photo is amazing!!! I would blow it up HUGE, and put it above my fireplace. It just makes me smile.

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