One Monkey

One Princess


One leftover vanilla Frosty that was put in the freezer.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster right?  A sure recipe for a fight and lots of screaming and crying, right?

I thought that too.. but, my kids surprised me again.

Here’s their solution.

2 kids and a frosty 1

2 kids and a frosty

You know what I think of those expressions?

“Uh Oh.. Busted! Now she knows we can share!”


  1. That’s hilarious! Totally busted and good for them for realizing that at least you get SOME if you share! : )

  2. Now, that is fargin awesome. My children would have fought to the death for that last treat. You must be doing something right.

    I’m so excited you are going to Blogher. Be on the lookout for some crazy chick with wild-hair and converse. I heard she likes to tackle people from behind.
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Still Owning It. =-.

  3. That is awesome! Somehow I see myself and my DD doing that same dance over a last frozen frosty in our house. I am sure I would also hear these sweet little words…”Brother is too little to have ice cream, right Mama?” and goes right back to eating his share too. lol

    Hope you are having a rockin time at Blogher!
    .-= Karen Hartzell, Graco´s last blog ..Wondrous Wednesday #82 =-.

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