I’m a bred in the bone, bluebonnet blue Texas girl.

That being said, holy cow Michigan, you are gorgeous.Β  Traverse City, Michigan… I am in love.

I’m here with the Cherry Marketing Institute along with some AMAZING Food Bloggers, Photographers and Media to tour a Cherry Farm, learn about Cherries and go to the Cherry Festival.

I got here this afternoon and I’m about to crawl into bed (there’s something ridiculously luxurious and decadent about a hotel room to yourself) but, I wanted to share a few of the pictures from my first evening here.

Cherry Martini
Cherry Martini

Honey, Please
Fresh honeycomb

Cherries Jubilee
Cherries Jubilee

Cherry Wine and a Couple of New Friends
Cherry Wine

Sit and Stay A Spell
Sit and Stay a While

Sunset View from the Boathouse Restaurant Patio


  1. Ah …. Life is rough and sometimes unfair but someone has to do the dirty work of SITTING BY THE LAKE EATING AND DRINKING!!! Have a great time in a wonderful place.

  2. I grew up about 2 hours south of TC, but still on Lake Michigan. I’ve said so many times before, if the winters weren’t so harsh up there, I would move there in a heartbeat. Isn’t it so peaceful? I’m so glad you’re experiencing something I hold so close to my heart.

  3. Okay, I’ll be the first guy to comment on this. I used to live in Traverse City (way before it was over commercialized). Good times, good times in deed. πŸ™‚

  4. Enjoy! Sounds like you have the perfect mix of cherries and fun with a sprinkling of luscious solitude!

  5. Youngest son & I saw a commercial for Mi. tourism the other day. YS asked why anyone would want to go to Mi. for vacation. I told him it was suppose to actually be quite nice. Unfortunately, I think we people think of Mi they think of Detroit. Gotta get there someday!

  6. Sooooo good to see you and spend time with you. I adore you and your heart and your smile and your friendship.

    Love and hugs, baby doll.

  7. What beautiful pictures! That Cherries Jubilee shot is amazing and is making me drool πŸ™‚ What a pleasure to meet you, Rachel! I can’t wait to see you again in the future πŸ™‚

  8. Oh, I am SO jealous! Yet, so happy for you to be there! What fun! And I do love cherries! Remember! You have to come back to Texas! I thought this state seemed a little lonely without you here. πŸ˜‰

  9. I don’t think I have ever wanted a cherry so much.
    And the honey shot?
    I die.

    –Sara Sophia

  10. Oh, how I love Traverse City! We went there for our anniversary and had the absolute best time shopping for antiques and eating at fun places and sitting by the water. It is a little spectacular piece of Michigan.

  11. Great shots! We just left that area this morning after a week of taking photos, walking the beach, and eating cherries πŸ˜†
    That lake shot with the Adirondack chairs really makes me wish I was back up there for another week…or more!

  12. Bluebell Ice Cream goes very well with a Bell’s Oberon (my fave wheat beer made in MI)…

    I was born in Michigan and raised in Texas. We vacationed this year just north of Traverse City and plan to make it an annual event — you just can’t get much better than Up North life, especially when Texas has 99% humidity!

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