Awaiting Don*


Don Treading over the Coast*


Apple Stacks

apple stacks

It Only Takes One (Thank you, Karen)

from karen

*by iPhone – Don came and Don went without even a how do you do.

*by iPhone – Do you get the ‘Don’ reference?

I realize that I am no longer picking my camera up for pure pleasure and spontaneity anymore, I need to.  I miss that.

These pics shared with Lotus’ Weekly Winners meme.


  1. Pretty. I was thinking, yesterday evening, with the ominous sky and increased wind on the Bayfront how scary that would have been to people even 60 years ago. Knowing that something was coming but having no idea where it was or when it might hit.

  2. I was thinking the same thing about my camera. Seems like real life has just gotten more chaotic.

    BUT…love your photos…such a beautiful sky!!

  3. Love the spectacular colors in that top photo. I have a slight chance of thunderstorms here on the mountains tonight and am so praying for a few drops of that moisture,

  4. A great set! THe sky is gorgeous and I really like the apples. I’ve taken over one thousand photos this week with family in town (and deleted more than half), so I’m sure that I took enough for both of us. Maybe next week I’ll take the break and you can take enough for us all! 😉

    Great shots!!

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