1. Great pictures! Love the sprinkler shot. Your little non conformist is so adorable.

    Now I am off to debate?…

  2. Haha! I love “Testing the Waters.” It’s great that he didn’t run away from it.

  3. These are all so beautiful! I can’t describe, but they seem glossy to the point of almost touchable. Awesome.

  4. Peapodsquadmom:

    I think my camera has a lot to do with it. I just got the Canon Rebel XTI SLR camera and the lenses used in these shots were the 35mm lens that came with it and the 300mm lens that I bought, per the recommendation of Courtney at The Only Thing I Know. I will occasionally use my Photoshop Enhance image to sharpen them a bit. Thanks for y’all’s compliments!! And comments.

  5. Finally delurking . . . your little guy gives me a glimpse into what I may be in for.

    I seriously can’t wait . . . or maybe, I can . . .

    Adorable, really.

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