The amazing ladies of I Heart Faces hold a weekly photography link up and contest; I have never entered but I always follow along because they inspire me and I am in awe.
This week it was hands, I have found myself drawn to hands, to taking pictures of them, staring at them. I think that hands tell a story about who you are and how you’ve lived, what your passions are.

So, I thought that I’d share a few of my Hand pictures with y’all. I hope that y’all are as inspired as I am.

My Granny’s Hands: Timeless Grace, Long Lived Beauty, Strength, Comfort and Love

granny's hand

My Dad’s Hands: Strong, Kind, Musical, Loving

Daddy's Hands w watermark

Nathan’s Hands: Providing, Loving, Gentle, Caressing, Strong, Beautiful, Powerful

nate's hand on the wood lathe

10 Day Old Newborn Hands:  Trusting, Soft, New, Tiny, Endless Possibility

baby lily's hand 2


    1. Well Christine, we already know that you’re awesome in front of the camera, I bet you’d be an amazing photog.. take the plunge and get the good camera.

    1. It’s strange, I find that I notice so much more detail and I look more closely at life when I have my camera with me. I’m constantly looking at things as if I were looking through a lens and thinking about how each image will impact others who see it.

      It’s been somewhat life altering.

      Thank you

    1. Thank You. That is one of the reasons these pics all struck me, too. I now am on a mission to capture my family’s hands and feet at all stages.

  1. Just love.
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s most recent musing blog ..100 Blissful Memories {Part X} =-.

  2. There is a tombstone in the cemetery where my grandmother is buried that has a poem on it that I have always loved. I memorized it early on but it means more to me as time goes on.

    This is it (as my memory serves me)

    My mother’s hands have slaved for me
    Have taught and fought and gave for me
    Have made me wish that I could be
    All worthy of her trust in me
    My mother’s hands to me are more
    Than all the foolish men adore
    A simple tribute to something grand
    I kneel and kiss my mother’s hands.
    .-= Melissa´s most recent blog ..Heparphobia? =-.

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