Jill’s Story

Jill’s Story

Two years ago, this weekend, September 2008, a group of women from my mom’s group joined together to participate in the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure. We were friends but, had never before the race, discussed our reasons for walking.   As we got walking we quickly realized the impact breast cancer had…

One Woman’s Battle

Hello again, Kim’s mom, Paula, here.   Kim has asked me to once again to write about my newest diagnosis that I was given in December, 2008. Stage 4, breast cancer . Ok, now that’s out of the way, let me begin. Last August/Sept, 2008, I started feeling funny.  I couldn’t quite place what was wrong…

Blogging For Boobs

Blogging For Boobs

Do things look a little different around here?  Do I look a tad bit pink? That’s all thanks to Nap Warden , she’s turned me pink in honor of my Blogging for Boobs this month. Today, is October 1st which means it is officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m on a mission.  I want…

Blogging For Boobs

Blogging For Boobs

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.  Has in some way been touched by breast cancer.  Whether it was family, friend or our own life, we have felt it, we have seen it, we have lived it. For me, it’s my Mother-In-Law, Debbie and Kim’s Mom and Michelle’s Mom and my…