The darling Lotus is the creator and brilliant mind behind Weekly Winners.
Hop on over there to say Hi and be inspired by her and others.

Sweets For The Sweet

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Brain Freeze Protection

What’s For Dinner



  1. Those cupcakes look delish!~LOL @ monkey see, monkey do~LOL also @ brain freeze protection~& that last one is to die for=would ♥ the recipe; if you have time that is=

    christmasbaby07[at]gmail[dot]com 🙂

  2. Now I’m all ‘awwwww’ over how cute your kids are and all hungry over the cupcakes and dinner. All looks delicious.

  3. love love love the brain freeze protection.

    but if you dont post the recipe for that soup, we might have to send out the posse.

  4. I love that brain freeze pic 🙂

    WHAT is for dinner–looks like bacon on top with chives–yummy 🙂

  5. Fabulous photos and clever captions! Monkey See Monkey Do is my fav – I simply *LOVE* his expression!

  6. The brain freeze protection is killing me! That is a great caption!

    And damn, that dinner looks good! Recipe, please?

  7. Drooling from start to finish on this list! Those cupcakes look amazing!

    And so does that last dish. Anything with bacon is right up my alley 🙂

  8. Must. Have. Recipe.
    That last pic looks so yummy my mouth is watering.

    -I feel like I am constantly talking about my watering mouth when I visit you. 😉

  9. The Blue Bell picture is the best (maybe it’s because that’s my favorite and I can’t eat it).

    Those kids are precious.

  10. Those pictures of your babies are darling – love the ice cream one – I was on the phone with you that afternoon – HA! I wrote that post, btw – I’ll let you know when I plan to publish it!


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