1. mini pretzles: rollos: walnuts (pecans)

      place mini pretzels on baking sheet. top with rollo. heat until soft in a 250 F oven.
      Remove, lightly press walnut on top.. refrigerate to cool )


      1. I have done those also with kisses and colored M&M’s for like valentines or green for st patties ect. The nut on top looks like I might need to make some more!

  1. I love these: I make them with almonds. 🙂
    .-= Melisa with one S´s most recent blog ..Perseverance =-.

  2. Those look so yummy! Salty, sweet and crunchy! Could be dangerous!
    .-= LaMereJoie´s most recent blog ..Greetings from the Inner Workings =-.

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