“Look Mom, No Floaties”

swimming after Uncle

“The Weight of The World or They’re Out of Sno-Cones”

The Weight of The World

“The Colors of Childhood”

colors of childhood

We’re going to head back out to the beach today and attempt to escape some of this 105 degree heat.Β  While I’m doing that, y’all enjoy the AC.. say Hi and then hop over to Lotus’ and see the beauty of her world through her most talented eyes and visit other participants in the Weekly Winners fun.


  1. Are you ready for a MISHI HUG?!?!
    Can’t wait to see you.

    As for the pictures… I lvoe them all so much!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {MAKfest09 Edition, Part II) =-.

  2. Aw, the poor little guy!! Sno Cones are so important!!

    Love them all!!!
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Weekly Winners 7/19/09 – busy week/birthday edition =-.

    1. Sno Cones are the cornerstone of all neighborhood fairs and childhood summers πŸ˜‰ He was DEVASTATED πŸ˜‰ but the little slumped shoulders just screamed at me “TAKE MY PICTURE” πŸ˜‰

  3. I could use a good helping of sidewalk chalk myself!
    .-= Nik´s last blog ..β€œWeekly” Winners 13 =-.

    1. Sidewalk chalk rocks! and I love those little $1 cartons from Wally World because it makes it much easier to divvy up and carry around!

    1. Thank you honey! and yes, it is amazing the depth of emotion their little bodies contain. Especially since his biggest decision in life is which cereal to eat and whether to wear the hawaiian print bathing trunks or the navy blue ones πŸ˜‰ *sigh* πŸ˜‰

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