[donotprint] This drink reminds me of a summer breeze, you know the kind of breeze that comes dancing off the ocean tossing salt, sand and hair.

It also reminds me of the song, you’re quite welcome for the shared ear worm πŸ˜‰

That song was my Mother in Law’s favorite song and she used to sing it to the boys when they were growing up.

This drink is like that… comforting, refreshing, bubbly with just the right amount of tartness.

summer breeze drink

We’re already in the high 90’s here with heat indeces in the 105-109 ranges some days {sigh} although, I suppose that’s the trade-off for living in Corpus Christi and having the beach right around the corner.

This pineapple, lemonade, lemon-lime, strawberry drink makes those hot days just a bit more bearable and would travel really well in a thermos or ice chest for our next beach excursion.

I’ll be making this for our BBQ this weekend and I thought I’d go ahead and share the recipe with y’all πŸ˜‰ because I’m nice like that.


I put 1 lb of frozen strawberries in the bottom of my favorite pitcher – if you want to make this a bit more ‘adult’ soak the strawberries in vodka.
strawberries in the pitcher

Pour in 2 C of prepared lemonade, 2 1/2 C pineapple juice and then fill with lemon lime soda or ginger-ale.

I love the fizzing!Β  Beware, pour slowly or you’ll end up with a counter covered in liquid don’t ask how I know
summer breeze fizzing

Stir everything together and chill before serving or pour over ice.





What are some of your favorite summer beverages?


Here are some of my favorite’s from last week’s Mouthwatering Monday link-up




      1. I served it alcohol-free in a punch bowl with the chilled bottle of vodka and martini glasses nearby for the adults to update their beverage. It was yummy and refreshing on a hot day in Pittsburgh.

  1. Hi Rachel,
    I shared my GF Japanese Rice Salad and two articles — something happened with the picture on the butter articles — please delete #18.

  2. Oh my goodness, I can feel the cool glass against my hot cheek now! So very refreshing, I’m printing it off, thank you for sharing this recipe. I’m sure I’ll be making a batch of this very soon.

  3. Mmmm, making me thirsty. As it’s 95+ here today that would be perfect. Thanks for sharing. And hosting. Love it here!

  4. This looks so yummy- it makes me thirsty! I know what you mean about the weather, I am in Laredo, so it is even hotter than Corpus, although it’s not too humid. I had no idea you lived so close to me! πŸ™‚

  5. Looks yummy, can’t wait for a hot summer day! Unfortunatly right now is cold and rainy, pfff. At least your post and pictures made me feel a bit “like summer”.

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