Happy Holidays, y’all!  It’s time for delicious eats, treats, and gathering with friends and family to celebrate, give thanks, rejoice, remember, and share.

Today, thanks to Kansas City Steak Company, I have an easy and delicious appetizer to share with y’all, plus a giveaway! 

If you’re a regular reader of  A Southern Fairytale, then you know that it’s no secret that I love to grill, and that one of my favorite things to grill (and eat) are steaks, so I know that you get how excited I was when Kansas City Steak Company reached out to me about partnering with them for another giveaway!  I was thrilled for two reasons: 1) I love when I get to give things away to y’all, and 2) because I got a shipment of steaks to grill, recipe test with, and eat!!


Nathan got absolutely giddy when I told him that we were getting a shipment of steaks. Nathan is a man who enjoys grilling, steak, eating, playing with different seasonings, spice rubs, cooking techniques, and charcoal vs gas vs wood; these are all thing that brings him great joy <3 so … thanks for the smiles and the delicious food Kansas City Steak Company πŸ™‚

I’m going to take a small detour from the recipe and the giveaway to tell y’all how we season and clean our grills.  

It’s easy, simple, and everyone we share this with thanks us.

how to clean and season your grill

Many people use the wire brushes that come with grilling tool packs, or that can be found at virtually every store that sells grilling and cooking supplies; the problem with those brushes – the steel bristles can come off and get in your food!!! No thank you!!!!!!!

Here’s the Matthews family way to clean and season your grill in two easy steps

1) Once your grill is hot, take a large ball of aluminum foil and scrub the grates with it; this cleans all the build up off the grill

2) slice a yellow onion in half and rub it over the grates of the grill – the natural oils from the onion season and oil the grill

you’re welcome πŸ˜‰

Okay, back to the yummies!

With every box of Kansas City Steaks that you order, you get a seasoning packet and a booklet that includes cooking tips and recipes, while I was looking through the booklet, I noticed a recipe for Steak Rustica, and I knew immediately that this needed to happen, and that I was going to tweak the recipe to turn it into an appetizer.

Oh. My. Word.  Y’all!!!!

steak bites on toast appetizer



As a family, we eat steaks medium-rare, that’s not for everyone, and I begrudgingly get that – so feel free to tweak this to your desired temperature.

Lemons, Garlic Salt, Fresh Cracked Black Pepper, and Olive oil bring bright, delicious flavor to these steak bites and the toasted baguette!!!! Oh. My. Word.  This is sooo good!

It only takes a few minutes to season the steak, slice the baguette and lemons, and toss them on the heated, cleaned, and seasoned grill.

grilled steak, lemons, and toast

I kept having to nudge the dogs away from the grill, and I nearly had to smack my own hand to keep from snagging a slice of toast and an onion off the grill.  This recipe is brilliant because of it’s sheer simplicity, and minimalism.


Thinly sliced steak tops grilled baguette that’s been brushed with a garlic olive oil, and the squeeze of grilled lemon adds a wonderful brightness to these delightful little bites.  I had them hot off the grill, and cold after photographing them.  I can legitimately tell you that both ways are equally scrumptious.

steak rustica toast bites

I couldn’t stop snacking on these, y’all.  SO good!  I may continue to play with these, maybe add a drizzle of a savory sauce, or a dipping option… these would also translate really well into a salad.  Turn the grilled baguettes into croutons, the lemon and olive oil into the dressing, and use a yummy greens mix.

Okay… y’all want the recipe?  How about the giveaway information?

Steak Rustica Appetizer Bites and a Giveaway

Seasoned steak and grilled baguettes paired with a squeeze of grilled lemon make for a delicious and easy appetizer for your next gathering or party
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 1 10 oz Kansas City Strip Steak
  • 2 Medium Lemons sliced
  • 1 french style baguette sliced on the bias 1/4" slices
  • olive oil seasoned with roasted garlic or freeze dried garlic
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • butter lettuce or greens for garnish


  • Season both sides of the strip steak with garlic, salt, and black pepper.
  • Grill over high heat, to your liking (for us: 5 - 6 minutes per side)
  • While the steak is cooking, grill the lemon slices and baguette slices - both about 2 - 4 minutes per side
  • Once you've removed the steak from the heat, let rest about 5 minutes.
  • Brush each baguette slice with the garlic/olive oil mixture
  • Thinly slice the steak, as thin as you can, I then sliced each piece in half
  • Place a couple slices of steak on top of each slice of baguette, and sprinkle with pepper and sea salt
  • Squeeze the grilled lemons over the platter, and use for garnish
Servings: 2 dozen steak rustica bites
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

I know y’all want to win a box of Kansas City Steak Company’s Super Trimmed Filets delivered to your front door!  


Follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter Giveaway below to be entered to win a box of your very own Kansas City Steak Company Super Trimmed Filet Mignons!  Wouldn’t that be a delicious and fun way to kick off 2017!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: This post is brought to as part of a partnership with Kansas City Steak Company . All opinions expressed are my own. Sponsored posts help me pay for the costs associated with this blog (like the groceries…so very many groceries,y’all), and help support me as I follow my dreams of recipe development and food photography. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands and companies that support A Southern Fairytale.


    1. It’s absolutely my favorite! It’s natural, easy, and seriously smells SO good, and adds a delicious flavor! Now I just need to start growing onions! πŸ™‚

  1. We like to simply season with oil, salt and pepper. We sear the steaks in a skillet and then finish them in the oven.

  2. We love grilling steaks! I love to crisp them quickly on a crazy hot cast iron on top of the grill, then finish them in the oven for a few minutes.

  3. Your pictures are amazing! This looks soo good!

    I don’t have a grill so I usually sear them and then throw them in the oven for a bit. Simple salt and cracked pepper is my usual go to.

    1. Thank you so much Krystal! That’s so sweet πŸ™‚ Simple salt and cracked pepper is a delicious way to go! The sear and oven method is really popular apparently! I’m going to have to try it!

  4. I like charcoal grilled steaks but I only have a gas grill right now so that has to do for now. Grilled is the best!

  5. We grill steaks very simply, with just salt and pepper, rare to medium-rare, and always serve with sauteed mushrooms.

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